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Promoting integrity and excellence in research in an environment

that is collaborative, supportive, and builds capacity.


Make A Donation To NRN

The Native Research Network (NRN), a 501(c)3 organization, uses donations to provide assistance to Native students to participate in mentoring workshops and research conferences. Programs are offered to students from high school, college, and graduate school, post-doctoral training, and junior faculty.

In addition, invited speakers including non-federal employees, elders, or others involved in research receive travel assistance to NRN workshops or conferences.


The mission of the NRN is to provide a proactive network of American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and First Nations of Canada to promote and advocate for high quality research that is collaborative, supportive, and builds capacity. The NRN also promotes an environment for research that operates on the principles of integrity, trust, ethics, cooperation, and open communication in multi-disciplinary fields. All donations are tax-deductible!

Your thoughtful donations are appreciated!  Please download, print, and fill out the donation form PDF and send it along with your check (or money order) to:

Native Research Network 

P.O. Box 982821

Park City, UT  84098

Testimonials From NRN Scholarship Recipients

Emily A. Haozous, PhD, RN (Fort Sill Chiricahua Apache) • 2008 Recipient

"I received an NRN scholarship to attend the 2008 NRN conference. This scholarship provided me with needed support that helped me attend the conference, and I was able to participate in a “speed mentoring” session at which I was able to get excellent feedback about a project I was working on following my dissertation research. I am so grateful to have been given the scholarship and have had the networking and mentoring opportunities through NRN. The Network is one of the few organizations that can provide me Native-centered, culturally congruent networking and mentoring in the country. Thanks, NRN!"


Marc Emerson (Diné) - Doctoral student in Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

"My colleague, Kathleene Ulanday, MPH, CPH, and I presented a paper, "Indigenous research methods review: Where are we now and what work needs to be done?" at the 25th Native Health Research Conference. As Indigenous scholars, we reviewed and analyzed the evolution of indigenous-centered research and offered a point-of-view commentary on the future of indigenous research, from young indigenous scholars prospective. NRN Travel funds helped to attend this conference and meet other researchers."


Leslie L. Randall (Nez Perce) - RN, MPH, PhD nursing student, Washington State University

"I was able to go to the conference and be a part of the plenary session on Boarding Schools. I was able to recruit both Dr. Phillip Smith and Dr. Ben Muneta as speakers to share their stories about the boarding school experience. I had a chance to interact with many individuals I had not seen for a while and the sessions were outstanding. I thank NRN for this travel scholarship to make it possible for me to participate in this important conference."

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